Tuukka Partanen

My name is Tuukka Partanen. I am a student of programming and a hobbyist boffer, woodworker and writer. My main interest in free time are listening to music, hanging out with friends, playing videogames and exploring my interests and learning about the world. Although I am quiet, I am an energetic and focused personality who will learn about anything as the situation calls for it to be learnt.

I have no previous work experience but I learn fast when I get to learn while doing. I look forward to any experiences that work ay bring me in life both bad and good as everything can be learnt from in some way.

Low tier mediocrity is worse than abject failure because mediocrity is not a success and more can be learnt from failing.

About Me

My name is Tuukka Partanen. I’m a 17 year old programming student and I was born on the 18th of April 2006. I currently live in Rovaniemi, but every other weekend or so I go to Ranua to visit my parents.

Currently, I am studying for a degree in Information and Communication Technologies at Lappland Education Center REDU on Jokiväylä, Rovaniemi and I am planning on specialising in Game Development. Even though I like the Games side of programming more, Web Design is still nice even if I am not the most fond of the actual design and planning part of it.

I am interested in Music, Videogames and with friends I regularly participate in writing different types of Fiction. My hobbies mainly center around games and reading but I also regularly go out to play Jugger.


As I have not yet had a chance to gain any real work experience, my work in regards to software development centers mainly around my previous education aswell as school programs for preparing for work life.

Education and Occupational Cards

As stated, I am in the process of studying for a Degree in Programming at Lappland Education Center REDU, for which I should graduate for in 2025. However, my previous education consists of I only Basic Education, which I finished in 2022

The only card in regards to occupations I have right now is the Occupational Safety Card that will expire in November of 2027.

Work Experience

As of now, I have not gained any real work experience from anywhere although I am enthusiastic to learn on the job. Even then, I have previously taken part twice in “Työ Elämään Tutustuminen” or a Work Practice Program, in which I have:

Worked at Hotel Ilveslinna in 2021. I mainly took care of washing the dishes, cleaning the tables, taking the trash out and other cleaning related tasks while assisting other members of staff.

Worked at the Community Center at Ranua in 2020. I had no real title, but I mainly took care of managing the space and helping around alongside the other workers.

Personal Skills

Language Skills

Although the variety of languages I can speak is rather limited, there are two languages I can speak rather fluently, those being Finnish and English and a third one I can partially understand, that being Swedish.




Operating Systems

I have skills or am knowledgeable in the usage of a bunch of Operating Systems, mainly for the computer. Even as that bunch of OS may be limited, I am always willing to take time to learn new ones aswell.

Windows 10


Windows 11

Programming Languages

When it comes to programming skills, I am constantly learning more and excited to get better. Right now though, I am mainly learning a limited number of programming languages as they have come up in class. However, if and when a language is relevant or if I lack a skill to make some piece of code work, I am always eager to learn more of it.







When it comes to programming skills, I am constantly learning more and excited to get better. Right now though, I am mainly learning a limited number of programming languages as they have come up in class. However, if and when a language is relevant or if I lack a skill to make some piece of code work, I am always eager to learn more of it.

Programming Platforms



Visual Studio



Game Projects

Fallen Fire

Fallen Fire was a game that I made as a part of a school project. It’s supposed to be a topdown PVE like game that gets more difficult as more enemies are slain. After the school project ended, I continued the project as a personal work and to keep sharpening my Python skills.


Hellwood was made as the first 2D Game Project made in Unity. It was a Roguelike with a randomly generated “Dungeon” where the player fought through enemies to reach an exit point to delve deeper into the areas. There was no real progression to the game say for scores that were not saved due to time constraints. All of the art and most of the code in the game was done by me, although the sounds were Unity Assets.

Website Projects

HTML ePortfolio

As the first iteration of our ePortfolio, we programmed it in HTML and then uploaded it onto a server. It is no longer the one we use as we made this new one in WordPress, however it was a good HTML project and was made responsive aswell.


When we began getting into API systems during our studies, the first API Project that we partook in was a Pokemon Search system based on the public PokeAPI. The system is very basic but it was my first API project that I did. I have afterwards not continued work on it.

Simple Game Review Database

As one of the first forms of database systems that we learnt, we studied how LocalStorage works on webpages. Based off of that, we built a ‘website’ that stored certain pieces of inserted information that could be viewed and edited. The order of results could also be sorted in certain ways.

Restaurant Page Design

This is a simple restaurant page template made using Adobe XD

3D Model Projects

Floating Island

This was one of the first simple Poly Terrains that we did in Blender. There are definitely some things that could be improved upon, but it was a school work.

Space Marine Model

This is a crude Space Marine model made as a school project. Blender was used for the model with Adobe Illustrator. While it’s not the most well done model, it worked as a display that I know the mechanics of both Blender and Adobe adn can make models out of that. It’s missing certain parts of the original reference model aswell such as the knee guards,however those are missing simply because I lacked skill.